
Activision countersuit against Infinity Ward shows 'Modern Warfare 3' pre-production

April 11, 2010 Props to Kevin

IGN reports that the countersuit that was filed today against former Infinity Ward executives Jason West & Vince Zampella speaks the first words of production of 'Modern Warfare 3'. More details about the sequel to the 3rd highest grossing game of all time after the jump...

The countersuit includes the following:
West and Zampella entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), an agreement between two parties, with Activision and Infinity Ward in connection with Modern Warfare 2 and "any subsequent Infinity Ward projects" back in March 2008. This MOU apparently included certain rights for Modern Warfare 3, which Activision says in its countersuit that development for the third title was delayed intentionally by West and Zampella in order to leverage their rights under the MOU to "obtain further advantages for themselves and concessions" from Activision.
"Among other things, they delayed pre-production of Modern Warfare 3 and attempted to improperly leverage their rights under the MOU to obtain further advantages for themselves and concessions from Activision." 
"As a direct and proximate result of this breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, Activision has been forced to commit additional resources to Modern Warfare 3, institute litigation to seek a declaration of rights, and incur costs and attorneys' fees, and will incur additional expenses in connection with securing the benefits of the MOU."

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