
'Twilight' Book Series Being Attacked

April 14, 2010 Props to Brittany

The 'Twilight' series and its author have been placed on the challenged books list at the number 5 spot recently. It is being questioned at many schools and libraries to be banned because of its supernatural content, specifically the vampires, nudity, sex, and teen romance. Read more about about the 'Twilight' scandal after the jump...

Stephenie Meyer's books have been out for years and are just now being attacked for their content. Apparently, the subject of vampires has been a touchy subject for many years now, especially in the 'Twilight Saga'. Christian groups, librarians, and schools, have placed this series on the "challenged books" list because they don't like the idea of not only having books like these on the shelves but of allowing their children to read about teen romances, sex, nudity, and VERY specifically...vampires.

According to Yahoo! News, reporting of the ALA, about 4 or 5 books a year that are placed on the challenged books list actually end up unreported.

So I'm curious...vampires are fictional, so what's the harm in reading a book about them? I read the 'Twilight' books when I was young, and if anything, they're a good role model for young girls, because the only characters in the book that engage in sexual activity actually wait until after they're married to do so. This is much more than many other children books can say for themselves. So all these parents that are adding to the complaints...why do they have to parent everybody in the world instead of just being parents to their own kids and not letting them see/read/listen to what they don't want them to? People need to step off and let people be.

Check back to see how many libraries and school actually ban this series.

Source: Yahoo!

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