
Eminem Announces "Recovery" and Release Date

April 14, 2010 Props to Fred
Just as quickly as the world went into a frenzy over Eminem's "There is no Relapse 2" tweet, we get this little tidbit of information. Have no fear, as I stated, his tweet simply meant a new album title was soon to be announced. And it was...
“I had originally planned for Relapse 2 to come out last year, but as I kept recording and working with new producers, the idea of a sequel to Relapse started to make less and less sense to me, and I wanted to make a completely new album. The music on Recovery came out very different from Relapse, and I think it deserves its own title.”
No bullshit, I've been calling Relapse 2 this for a minute now. Now let's get a release date for this badboy  Recovery drops June 22nd.

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