
New 'Halo: Reach' beta game modes detailed

April 14, 2010 Props to Kevin

For details on the new 'Halo: Reach' beta game modes, hit the jump...

"A new 'party' game where the goal is to collect and capture the most skulls. Players drop a skull upon death, and you just want to scoop that skull and carry it to a designated skull deposit zone (that actually moves around the map). You can carry multiple skulls, but if you're killed before scoring, then you drop all the skulls you had.

Sprint is super-useful for Headhunter -- it helps close that distance between your foot in the zone and scoring, versus dying just short of the goal and losing all of your skulls."

"Another 'party' gametype that is sort of like Territories meets with Capture the Flag. That is, both teams are racing to capture four neutral flags that spawn on the map and successfully return them to their respective (and active) capture points.
Stockpile flags appear randomly throughout the map at pre-set flag-spawn points. Experienced players will learn the ten or so spots they can appear in the Beta maps, but they won't be able to predict which ones will be used at any given time." 
Generator Defense:
"This mode pits three Spartans against three Elites. The Elites are trying to destroy three generators before time runs out while the Spartans are trying to defend." Elites may be faster, bigger, and 'healthier' to use your words, but they are also easier to hit, and Spartans have the advantage of being in a pretty well defended position. Two rounds of five minutes apiece with teams switching from Spartans to Elites and vice-versus per round. Of course, if the Elites destroy the generators in just three minutes, then the round ends.
This is the fourth and final game mode in the beta, and also the one that Bungie is still being tight-lipped about until we're a little closer to launch. It's a vehicle-full frenzy. In fact, this mode and its accompanying map (Boneyard) is the only map in the beta that features vehicles. Packed to the gills with vehicle combat. It's really big. Nice and spacious to drive around in. A little bit bigger than Sandtrap even. Other scant details about Invasion are that it's a six-versus-six match, and it seems to be a multi-stage affair that will utilize some heavy firearms during the end.

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