
"Gears Of War 3" accidently announced by X360 Dashboard

April 9, 2010 Props to Kevin

X360 Dashboard people effed up big time. Cliff Bleszinski (design director of Epic Game, developer of "Gears of War" & Xbox Live Arcade classic "Shadow Complex) was supposed to be on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Thursday, but something happened and Justin Bieber had to show up instead.

More on Gears 3 screw up & Justin Bieber's "Baby" video* after the jump...

*Video is not guaranteed. Thank God.

 Cliff Bleszinski, the game industry's Eli Roth.

Apparently, CliffyB was suppose to announce Gears of War 3 to the world on Late Night and that it will be released April 2011 (hopefully with a working multiplayer). When the appearance didn't happen, the X360 Dashboard guys didn't get the memo and published the announcement this morning. We don't know any details besides the date and that CliffyB will be on Late Night on Monday to announce it officially and another game called "Bulletrun". Stay tuned for official details on GEARS OF WAR 3!

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