
'I Love You Phillip Morris' postponed indefinitely

April 10, 2010 Props to Kevin

So it looks like the Jim Carrey & Ewen McGregor comedy that has been shelved for the past 2 years in the U.S. because of it's controversial subject matter has been postponed indefinitely. LA Times reports. More information regarding the controversy surrounding the movie and the trailer after the jump...

When the film premiered at the Sundance Festival, it generated a lot of buzz around its content, but had trouble finding a distributor. Consolidated Pictures Group, an independent distributor, picked up the 2009 movie, but pushed back the release a few times. The last one was April 30th. Looks like this will go straight to DVD sometime in the future and it's a shame because from the trailer it looks like an alright movie. Jim Carrey is playing someone that I've never seen him play before. For now though, we have the trailer.

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